Saturday, December 10, 2011


Well, I missed yesterdays post bc I could not get to a computer. I had my interview for a GA ship yesterday, it seemed to go well and the Lord is in control. However, that is not what I wanted to praise the Lord for today, even though that would be my praise for yesterday. Today, I am praising the Lord for blessings bestowed upon me that I am not worthy of. I am not going to share the particular blessing at this point, for I have a feeling it may not deem to be total public knowledge. 

 Anyway, after all of my failings and falterings I am blown away at how my God supplies and blesses me. God has shown me His love, and I cannot totally comprehend it, it is so unfathomable (I used a big word I know lol). No blessing is a given, as to say can always be expected, that's why it is a blessing. I see how God has given me something I couldn't come to expect, and even though I may know a blessing is coming, does that mean I should be less grateful? NO! For He could have chosen to take it away before I ever recieved it. I am to be thankful for ALL things, known or unknown, and for the blessing HE has given me as of late I am most grateful and unworthy. 

 My God is All Knowing/Omniscient. He knew exactly what and when I needed what He gave me. He knows of EVERY detail concerning our lives that has happened, is happening and will happen. He will continue to be the gernous loving God that He is to me. Providing for my every need, and even giving me more than I need and deserve. He is ever good and cannot cease to be who He is. 

Be of Good Courage, God knows ALL things. He will bless those that keep His ways of righteousness (not to say I am perfect and always doing His will, for I am a fallen sinner saved by His immeasurable grace) and give them the good things He has promised not to withhold from them. How can He bless you if you wont do what He has asked of you and you choose to be selfish? He can't, don't do things your own way, no matter what, go to Him and let Him guide your every step!

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold to them that walk uprightly." -Psalm 84:11

In Christ,
Ps. 27:14

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