Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Wilds

Thanking God today for the ministry of the Wilds. The Lord has allowed me to serve here for six summers (maybe a possible seventh) and drawing closer to the end of my two years on 9-Month staff. I can recall so many stories over those years of serving of how God used me, the chiefest of sinners, to glorify His holy name. I am in awe, how I have been given the opportunity to be involved in so many people's lives, for the glory of God. It is not something I have to do, it is something I get to do or have the opportunity to do. Now I just want to list some ways the Wilds has been a blessing to me, for which I am very thankful and praise the Lord.

- Thankful for the opportunity and privilege to work with teenagers for the glory of the Lord
- Thankful for the opportunity to serve with my AWESOME sister Kristi for several summers
- Thankful for the amazing, godly, encouraging, and challenging friends I have made here ;)
- Thankful for the godly confrontations that my peers and bosses have had with me to help me grow to be more like Christ
- Thankful for the spiritual growth that has happened, bc of loving friends, bosses, co-laborers, and godly confrontational preaching of God's Holy Word. 
- Thankful for the beauty that is seen here in God's AMAZING creation
- Thankful for the opportunity to learn how to serve, not thinking of myself first, but instead others first
- Thankful for the Lord providing the funds for college so that I am able to serve here
- Thankful for the staff not giving up on me, but investing in me (whether it be great or small contributions)
- Thankful for the Christ like spirit in the fellow laborers here
- Thankful for the other ministries I have been able to be apart of through the Wilds

The list could keep going, but those are some main ways for which I am thankful. God has used this place in my life in many ways and for that I am most grateful and thankful. The attribute that comes to mind when thinking of this would be God's Sufficiency. He provides for me in every way, for He is ALL I need. He knew exactly what I needed, and provided for me to be here serving and learning and growing. God showed me more than once, that it is nothing I can do myself that changes people, but it is Him that changes people. For He is everything and I am nothing! I praise the Lord and thank Him for allowing me such an opportunity, and pray that I would continue to take advantage of the things the Lord is allowing me to do! 

Be of Good Courage, God knows exactly what u need! He gives us what we need, not what we want. For what we want may not be what is best for us. God knows what is best and wants the best for us, He will provide for your every need! 

In Christ,
Ps. 27:14

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